Sunday 21 June 2015

Tube Turner

This may not be news to a lot of sewers out there but I recently discovered the simple and yet awsome tool for turning straps and ties inside out.  I've spent many a time sitting watching tv trying to turn out a strap or tie that I've sewn. I've tried the different techniques using a needle and cotton on one end and pulling it through. I've also used my fingers, chopsticks, the end of scissors or whatever was about trying to push through one of of strap/tie.  Then I discovered this simple little kit which is basically some pieces of plastic tubing and with either skinny pieces dowel or metal objects to push the fabric through. So instead of taking me make 30 mins to pull through 4 ties, this all took under 5 mins.

I bought the kit for the Turn it All online at Amazon.

You simply insert the tubing piece into the material. 

And then push the closed end piece through with the dowel.  So wonderfully simple and time saving.  I thought it would be nice to share since I get so much useful information from other sewing blogs.

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